An excellent school district should be loved by its teachers as well as by its families and students. The school districts in Fairview include McKinney ISD and Lovejoy ISD. Both districts are known for providing excellent education and connecting schools to their communities.
Responsibilities are shared. In an excellent school district, the staff, students, families, and communities all collaborate to ensure success. Together, all of these parties can take part in ensuring that schools are safe, respectful, and welcoming. In addition, it’s essential for all involved parties to share core values of teaching and learning.
There’s a robust parent-teacher association. notes that the number one reason to join a parent-teacher association is to benefit your child. These organizations link families to important community and school information. They can also host fun events, plan educational programs, and fundraise for specific school needs. These organizations provide essential school support.
The curriculum is challenging and comprehensive. Academic rigor is important not just for getting students into college, but for educating future citizens. Local districts align curriculum with Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) as well as the Texas College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS).
Great schools are a great place to work. In 2022, McKinney ISD was once again named one of the best places to work in the Metroplex. Showing appreciation to faculty and staff is one of the ways to make schools a great place to work. Creating a positive and productive work environment makes teachers happy, which in turn, benefits students.
Statistics help paint a picture of success. High test scores and high graduation rates are part of the picture. McKinney ISD is one of 388 districts in the nation on the AP achievement list with a 96% graduation rate. Its SAT scores are more than 100 points higher than the national average. Lovejoy ISD is ranked 2 of 1217 districts on STAAR exams. It boasts a 99.6% graduation rate, and more than 97% of graduates attend college after graduation.
Community culture extends beyond campus. Lovejoy ISD offers the Silver Leopard Club, an organization that gives senior citizens opportunities to be a part of the school district. Whether through school district events or performances, this district has found a great way to connect local citizens of all ages. District culture is a key part of excellence, and continued efforts to improve help keep schools great.
Matching and meeting workforce needs. McKinney ISD has strong student participation in career and technical education (CTE) courses. These training courses can be likened to trade school programs, and often, students can begin jobs right out of high school in industries like agriculture, health sciences, and STEM.
Fairview is all about quality. Whether you’re beginning a business here, moving your family, or sending your kids to one of the local schools, this friendly community has a great culture that values its excellent school districts. Learn more about living in Fairview.