And does it ever take courage to put yourself out there to launch and grow a business? It’s vulnerability on all sides — emotionally, intellectually, and of course, financially.
You’ll get invaluable support for all those facets at the WE Inspire TX Women’s Entrepreneurs’ Summit set for Nov. 15, 2023, in Fairview, Texas.
We’ve been introducing each of our fantastic speakers and panelists leading up to the summit. If you’ve missed any of the highlights, catch up here. Next up we’re sharing about one of our excellent bonus-track speakers, who will lead a conversation to address the financial vulnerability factor.
Introducing … Bonus Track Speaker Ashley Ford
Small business accounting expert Ashley Ford will present “Know Your Numbers: A Money Conversation for Entrepreneurs,” with an interactive format so you can ask and get answers to your most pressing business finance questions.
Lucky for you, we have Ashley, who loves talking about money. Even better, she’s obsessed with helping other women entrepreneurs succeed by tackling the topic head-on and establishing financial clarity for sustainable growth. Really. She emphasizes you can count on her to make accounting easier to understand. See what she did there?
Ashley is the owner of Pretty Penny, a virtual accounting firm aimed at serving female entrepreneurs. She is an expert in small business accounting, a QuickBooks guru, and has worked with hundreds of women to transform the way they make and spend money in their businesses. She offers bookkeeping and advisory services as well as tons of resources for business owners who want to keep their accounting in-house.
A graduate of The University of Oklahoma – Price College of Business, she worked in bookkeeping and finance for other firms for several years before taking the leap to go out on her own. In 2018, she launched Pretty Penny, which she has grown to a team of seven, including herself.
“That trade of stability for possibility is what gets me out of bed in the morning,” Ashley says. “I wasn’t sure where this business would take me, but I knew two things: I was good at accounting, and I wanted something more for my life.”
Since then, she’s experienced so much satisfaction helping clients achieve many major milestones, such as hiring their first employee or growing to 28 employees; doubling revenue every year; starting and selling businesses; buying homes and cars; starting new partnerships; having babies; sending kids to college; paying off debt; and more. That makes it pretty clear why Ashley loves helping women achieve financial freedom. When she’s not pouring herself into helping others with her business, you might find her with other things that bring her joy — wine and cheesy movies.