2024 WE Inspire TX Women Entrepreneurs’ Summit Elizabeth Mahusay

Session Speaker Elizabeth Mahusay
While the path of an entrepreneur can be littered with roadblocks, adversity builds resilience — and then resilience fuels courage to do the next hard thing. And the next, and the next!

With that in mind, shouldn’t we welcome challenges? Be there on Nov. 13 for 2024 WEInspireTX Women Entrepreneurs’ Summit at the Heritage Ranch Golf and Country Club in Fairview for a mindset shift that will build your confidence and connections. Have you registered yet? Here’s your link


Surround yourself with like-minded women and gain invaluable insights and inspiration from an all-star speaker lineup at the third annual WEInspireTX Women Entrepreneurs’ Summit. Expect a high-energy, day-long gathering of women entrepreneurs sharing strategies and tools to help one another launch, grow and succeed in business.

No matter what the next step for your business, the summit is just what you need to take it. Moving forward is what matters most.

As Winston Churchill once said, “Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.”

That’s a favorite quote of our session speaker, who we’re here to introduce to you today.

Meet 2024 WEInspireTX Session Speaker, Elizabeth Mahusay

Supercharge your personal and professional growth with insights from dynamic coach and thought transformation expert, Elizabeth Muhusay. Through her TED talks, YouTube channel, and podcast, “Thinking That Matters,” Elizabeth shows people how the right kind of thinking is always the path to success. 

At the summit, Elizabeth will present her keynote, “Lead Like a Woman: Courageously Confident, Communicate, Connect, which focuses on the significance of how demonstrating courage is so powerful in being a transformational leader despite any external factors and pressures. She’ll share precisely how courage precedes confidence, how your communication style can be your superpower, and tips for appreciating and navigating others’ communication styles. Last, you’ll learn takeaways on how to more confidently connect with others in your business, family, and social networks.

Elizabeth excels as a professional sales and leadership coach, certified trainer, and keynote speaker for Southwestern Consulting. Throughout her career, she has trained thousands of people to overcome negative thinking while implementing proven systems that create a growth environment. A wife to her high school sweetheart, Fred, and mom to two grown sons, she has authored three books, most recently, “Pick Your Path: 21 Days to Set Your Mental Autopilot on the Right Course.”

While earning a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry education from the University of South Florida, Elizabeth participated in the Sun Coast Area Teacher Training Honors Program, in which she grew her communication and leadership skills, including expertise in Kagan Cooperative Learning and problem-solving techniques. She became a coach, mentoring and guiding aspiring teachers while earning a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction with a

focus on institutional technology.

Her first sales job? A chemistry teacher, she says — convincing high schoolers they could excel in a challenging subject. During her teaching years, she discovered the significance of nurturing human potential, both as a teacher and coach to a highly competitive dance team, despite not having any formal dance training herself.

Elizabeth has numerous leadership roles to her credit, including science department chair; leader for a 180-member direct sales team; licensed minister of the Gospel, leading the women’s ministry for her church; an active chamber of commerce volunteer leader; and now a team leader for Southwestern Consulting.

Connect with Elizabeth